Electrical Pro Tips

LED Lighting Plan for a Retail Store Project in San Antonio

LED Lighting Plan for a Retail Store Project in San Antonio

All Star Electric is consulted to draft an LED lighting plan for a 50,000 sq.ft. store project to be potentially built in downtown San Antonio.

LED Lighting Systems: Pros & Cons in Homes and Offices

LED Lighting Systems: Pros & Cons in Homes and Offices

Weighting the pros and cons of LED lighting systems in homes and offices under 4 major criteria: artistic, engineering, environmental, scientific

Can LED Lighting Impact Our Health?

Can LED Lighting Impact Our Health?

Do you have health questions about using LED lighting? The scientific literature is not alarming, LED lighting is safe to use.

LED Lighting and Cataract: A Risk for Our Eyes?

LED Lighting and Cataract: A Risk for Our Eyes?

Is there a connection between LED lighting and cataract? What does scientific research say about exposure to blue light? Here are some insights.

Electric Vehicles – Shocking Facts

Electric Vehicles – Shocking Facts

Get ready to be electrified! Here are some shocking facts about electric vehicles that will have you revved up and ready to hit the road.

Home of the Future With Smart Home Products

Home of the Future With Smart Home Products

Welcome to the home of the future with smart home products.

Electrical Project : DIY or Licensed Electrician?

Electrical Project : DIY or Licensed Electrician?

DIY or hire a pro? Explore your options. It is decision time!

Signs You Need Home Electrical Repair Services

Signs You Need Home Electrical Repair Services

Don’t ignore these electrical warning signs Electrical system faults are one of the most disruptive, costly, and potentially dangerous problems...

4 Factors To Consider While Choosing An Electrician

4 Factors To Consider While Choosing An Electrician

Find the best electrician for you with these tips Electricity in the modern world is an essential need in our...

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